“Changing lives one arrow at a time”
NASP stands for National Archery in the Schools Program
In NASP, international style target & IBO 3-D style archery is used to teach participants the values associated with learning a lifelong skill. With an emphasis on process rather than results, NASP strives to instill a fun and safe shooting environment for each participant.
The program promotes inclusive participation as a team or individual; girls, boys, and all ability levels are encouraged to join. NASP uses equipment that is universal to all its participants from grade four to grade twelve and has been built to suit the outcomes and indicators of the Sask Ed curriculum. The only alterations allowed are those used to help archers with physical limitations. SAFETY is the guiding principle in NASP. All instructor training and student participation centers around the 11 steps of archery success. Despite the vast number of archers involved, there has never been an archery related accident and constant emphasis and training works to ensure that statistic never changes.
Schools who have received the proper training and have purchased a kit may be eligible for a NASP School Grant Rebate.
Need more information? Have you purchased a kit and want to access your School Grant Rebate Application? Contact SWF Central Office at sask.wildlife@swf.sk.ca, or 306-692-8812.
Don’t forget to check out the NASP Facebook Page for updates!