It is just located at our LDFGA property at Gully Lake. It is located approx. 14 kms East of Lloydminster. The building is set up for 18 lanes of archery and you can shoot up to 40 yds indoors. It is our branch meeting location for the summer months. We have several schools come out for their Outdoor Education classes, where they are instructed in archery. We also have various other youth groups come out and do the same. (4H, Boy Scouts etc.)The Lloydminster & Area Archers Assoc. use it as their clubhouse. They are all members of the LDFGA. We host various BBQ’s and potluck functions there as well. In the winter months from Nov. to April, the building is un use 4 to 5 nights per week with youth archery programs, regular archery shoot nights and other booked functions